Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Monday, June 1, 2020

Monday, June 1  1 Kings 1; 1 Chronicles 26-28; Romans 6

1 Kings 1: Who was Abishag? Who was Adonijah?  Why did he proclaim himself king and who supported him?   Why did Solomon become the king?

1 Chronicles 26: What were the responsibilities of the gatekeepers and the treasurers?

1 Chronicles 27: How  many men were in the military? Why did God’s wrath break  out on Israel?

1 Chronicles 28: How did David command his son to serve God?

Romans 6: According to verse 11; how are we to consider ourselves?

Journal Prompt:  Verse 12 tell us “Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, to make you obey its passions.”  How do you sense the ‘reign of sin’ in your life?  How do you avoid giving in to sin?


1 Kings 1: Abishag was a beautiful Shunamite who was brought to King David to keep him warm. Apparently this was something of a medical prescription at the time!

Adonijah was David’s son, he proclaimed himself king probably because he was the oldest living son – we know that he was the fourth son, but both Absalom and Amnon were dead.  (He was also a very handsome man, and he was born next after Absalom.)

His supporters included Joab (David’s military leader and nephew) and Abiathar the priest. Solomon was the king chosen by God, and Bathsheba and Nathan reminded David of that, and so David pronounced him king which caused Adonijah to seek refuge at the altar of the Temple.

1 Chronicles 26: The gatekeepers and the treasurers were basically guards. (and maybe greeters?!)

1 Chronicles 27: There were 24,000 in each division and twelve divisions (tribes/months) os a total  of 288,000 men.  God was angry with David for taking a census.  It seems at Joab’s  prompting, the census was discontinued.

1 Chronicles 28: David commanded Solomon  to serve God with a whole heart and a willing mind.

Romans 6: We are to consider ourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Jesus Christ


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