Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Monday, July 1, 2019

Monday 1-July 2 Chron 22-24; Job 23; 2 Cor 4

2 Chronicles 22: Why was Azaiah, the youngest son of Jehoshaphat, made king of Judah? Which women are mentioned in this chapter and why?

2 Chronicles 23: How was it that Joash came to be king?

2 Chronicles 24: Who was Jehoida and how old was he when he died?  Who was Jehoida’s son, and what happened to him?

2 Corinthians 9:  I find this chapter so interesting.  What is Paul urging the Corinthians to do and how is he convincing them?

Journal Prompt: We have ‘this treasure’ in jars of clay. What is the treasure?


2 Chronicles 22: all the other sons of Jehoram had been killed. Azaiah’s mother was Athaliah, the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel.  When Azaiah died, she took over and tried to kill everyone in the royal family, but Jehoshabeath the daughter of Azaiah took Joash and hid him (she was the wife of Jehoiada the priest.)

2 Chronicles 23:  Jehoiada presented Joash as king (he was only 8 years old) so Jeohoiada ruled in his behalf.

2 Chronicles 24: Jehoida was the priest who pretty much raised Joash (with his wife) by hiding in the temple until he was 7 years old and then organized a coup to install him as the rightful heir and king of Judah.  (He even arranged for Joash to have two wives.) Jehoida died when he was 130 years old.  His son was the prophet Zechariah who Joash had stoned to death in the temple court.

2 Corinthians 9:  Paul is urging the Corinthians to collect money to provide the needs of the saints to give to him and the Macedonians when they come to Corinth.  Paul convinces them by praising them for their willingness and reminding them of the benefits of being generous.  Paul also uses Old Testament scripture to illustrate the benefit and blessing of giving.


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