Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Monday, January 27, 2020

Monday, January 27: Genesis 43-44; Psalm 24; Galatians 1

Genesis 43: How long did they wait to make the second trip to Egypt and why?  (Why did they go, and why did they wait to go?)  What gifts did they bring? What did Joseph do when he saw Benjamin?

Genesis 44: Why did Joseph place his cup in their bags of grain?

Galatians 1:  What problem is Paul addressing in the church in Galatia? (v. 6-8)  Where did Paul go after he met Jesus on the road to Damascus?

Journal Prompt: How can we be like Joseph and have a desire to forgive yet seem to hold on to our unforgiveness?


Genesis 43: They definitely did not go back immediately – it was after they had eaten all of the grain they had brought back from the first trip.  They didn’t go sooner, because Jacob was unwilling to send Benjamin, and the brothers were unwilling to go unless Benjamin went along according to what Joseph had instructed them. 

They brought with them as gifts: balm, honey, spices, myrrh, pistachios and almonds along with twice the amount of silvers (v. 11-12).

When Joseph saw Benjamin, we was so moved, he had to leave the room to go and cry in private. (v. 30)

Genesis 44:  I don’t know, to be honest.  I’ve read several commentaries and couldn’t figure it out.  It doesn’t seem to be consistent with his character.  I guess the Holy Spirit is not prepared to reveal this to me.  What about you?

Galatians 1:  The Galatians were following teachers that were perverting the gospel (adding requirements).

Paul went to Arabia after his conversion experience, then three years later he went to Jerusalem and stayed with Peter for 15 days, but he didn’t see any of the other apostles except James. BTW (Cephas is Peter). Then he went to Syria and Cilicia.


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