Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Monday, February 4, 2019

Monday 4-Feb-19 Ex 31-32; Prov 15; Matt 26

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Exodus 31: What did God command to have made and by whom?  What special skills did they have and how did they receive their abilities?   How sacred was the Sabbath? What did Moses receive when he left the mountain?

Exodus 32: What did the people do while Moses was away and why? (Compare verses 4 and 34). What was Moses’ reaction?

Proverbs 15: How many verses are devoted to the power of the tongue (or the contrary)?

Matthew 26: How many times in this chapter does Jesus predict the betrayal and his pending death?

Journal Prompt:  How you (and me) like the Israelites who in their impatience began to worship an idol?


Exodus 31: God told Moses to appoint Bezalel and Oholiab to head up the production of the tabernacle, its furnishings, the priests’ apparels, the perfume and incense.  God endowed them (and other men) through the Spirit with the necessary abilities.  The Sabbath was a holy sign of their respect for God – if men worked on the Sabbath they were to be killed. Moses had with him the tablets upon which God’s finger had written the commandments.

Exodus 32: The people demanded a god to worship because they didn’t know what had happened to Moses.  Aaron gave in to their demands and made a golden calf from the women’s gold jewelry as well as an altar upon which to place the idol. It’s interesting to note that Aaron had a vital role in this idolatry, and he even seems to lie about his having made the idol.  Because God listened to Moses, Aaron survived.  Moses was furious – he broke the tablets and he had the golden calf ground down and forced the people to drink it in the water.

Proverbs 15: I counted six verses that deal with the power of our words. (1, 2, 4, 7 23, 28)

Matthew 26: In verses 2, 12, 28, and 30 Jesus advises them of his pending death. In verses he foretells Judas’ betrayal in verse 20-25, 45-46.  In verses 31-34, Jesus foretells their pending denial of their relationship with Him.


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