Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Monday, February 24, 2020

Monday, February 24:  Leviticus 12-14; Psalm 111; Hebrews 5 

Leviticus 12: How long would a woman be unclean after having a son?  a daughter?

Leviticus 13: What was the purpose of isolating someone who was unclean with a leprous type skin disease?  What was Jesus’ approach to lepers?

Leviticus 14: If a house had a mildew inside of it, what was first done to make it clean?

Hebrews 5: W ho lives on milk and who lives on solid food? 

Journal Prompt: Is there any area of your life that needs maturity? 

Leviticus 12:  A woman was unclean after having given birth to a son for 7 days -then she was to wait 33 days until she was ‘pure’.  She was unclean for 14 days after having given birth to a daughter and had to wait 66 days until she was ‘pure’.  

Leviticus 13: People were isolated to keep the disease from spreading to the rest of the community.

Leviticus 14: The house was scraped, old stones taken away and replaced with new ones.


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