Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Monday, August 29, 2019

Monday 19-August Isaiah 27; Song 1:8-17; 1 Tim 5

Isaiah 27: On the day of redemption, what will happen?

Song of Solomon 1:8-17  what metaphors are used to describe his love?

1 Timothy 5: Who is worse than an unbeliever?

Journal Prompt: What things do the verses in 1 Timothy 5:17-25 challenge the believer to do?


Isaiah 27: On the day of redemption, the dragon, Leviathan will be slain and the judgment will take place.  The chosen will then worship the Lord on the moun tain of Jerusalem.

Song of Solomon: He describes his love as a mare among Pharaoh’s chariots,  a cluster of henna blossoms in the vineyards of Engedi. Her eyes are doves.

1 Timothy 5:  Someone who does not care and provide for his/her own family is worse than an unbeliever. (v. 8)


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