Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Friday, September 27, 2019

Friday 27-Sept Isaiah 61; Ps 117; 2 Peter 2

Isaiah 61:Who was appointed to preach to the people? b. What are the people told about the ruins of the city? c. Who will become part of these people?

2 Peter 2:Will we recognize false teachers easily?  Why have some teachers gone astray?

Journal Prompt:  Why is Jesus referred to as a living stone?  And how are we living stones?


Isaiah 61: Isaiah is speaking here for the Messiah.  Jesus quoted this verse in Luke 4:16-22). The city will be rebuilt.

2 Peter 2: No, these false teachers will eat with us and be part of us as if they are  believers. They have followed the way of Balaam (v. 15)  and are only concerned with their personal gain.


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