Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Friday, May 24, 2019

Friday 24-May 1 Kings 13-14; Job 7; Romans 4

1 Kings 13:  How did the older prophet deceive the younger prophet?  What does this indicate about God’s will?

1 Kings 14: What prophecy did Ahijah the prophet tell Jeroboam’s wife?

Romans 4: How was Abraham deemed to be righteous?

Journal Prompt: Write verse 16 in your own words.


1 Kings 13:  The older prophet lied to the younger one telling him he had received a vision to provide the younger with a meal.  I believe this indicates that God’s will needs to be confirmed by scripture and other wise counsel, especially if it is contrary to what God has told you.

1 Kings 14:  Ahijah told Jeroboam that their child would die and that the kingdom of Israel would be taken from him because he instituted false worship at altars he created.

Romans 4:  He was deemed righteous because He believed God – before he was circumcised. So God justifies all through faith, not through the Law.


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