Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Friday, May 10, 2019

Friday 10-May 2 Sam 13-14; Job 1; Acts 20

2 Samuel 13:Who sent Tamar to wait on Amnon? Why do you think Absolam fled to Geshur?

2 Samuel 14:Why did Absolam burn Joab’s field?

Acts 20: What happpened to Eutychus while Paul was teaching?  Where were they?

Job 1: What is Satan’s challenge to God?

Journal Prompt: How have you experienced the truth of Acts 20:35?


2 Samuel 13:  David sent Tamar to wait on Ammon.  Absolam probably fled to Geshur because that’s where his mother was from (2 Samuel 3:3), so he was seeking asylum with his grandparents.

2 Samuel 14:  Absalom wanted and audience with his father, David, and Joab was David’s nephew and close advisor.  It was Joab that brought him back to Jerusalem from Geshur.  But when Joab refused to answer Absalom, he burned his field to get his attention.

Acts 20:  Paul had been in Ephesus at the beginning of this chapter and then he went through Macedonia and went to Greece.  He was in Troas and he was teaching on the third floor of a building – Eutychus fell asleep and fell to his death. Paul raised him from the dead.

Job 1:  Satan challenges God to remove the blessings and the protection from Job, which he (Satan) believes will lead Job to lose his faith in God.

Journal Prompt: Consider the family ties between David, Absalom, Tamar, Amnon, and Joab. 


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