Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Friday, March 1, 2019

Friday 1-March Numbers 19-21 Prov 26 Luke 5

Numbers 20:  Does the story about the Israelites complaining about not having water and Moses striking a rock to provide water sound familiar?  Why was God so upset with Moses so as to prohibit him from entering the Promised Land?  What did Moses ask of the king of Edom?  Why did he address them as brother?

Numbers 21: Which kings did Israel defeat?  What pattern of behavior by the Israelites do you see in this chapter?

Luke 5: How many disciples did Jesus call in this chapters? What miracles did Jesus perform? What did he command the healed to do? What issue was brought up in verse 33?

Journal Prompt:  What does Jesus say about fasting?  Write about fasting and what you believe is the purpose for this discipline.


Numbers 20:  A very similar event took place in Exodus 17 at Rephidim in the Wilderness of Sin. This event takes place at Meribah.  In Exodus 15 the people also were without clean water (it was bitter) in the Wilderness of Shur and grumbled against the Lord – they called the place Marah meaning ‘bitter’.  On this occasion, the Lord commanded Moses to throw a log into the water which made it drinkable. See the map for approximate locations.  God has a special relationship with Moses, yet He demands complete obedience.  In Rephidim, God commanded Moses to strike the rock, but in this passage, God tells him to merely speak to the rock.  Moses strikes the rock so it appears that he is doing things his way, not as God had commanded him.  It seems like very harsh punishment, I know.  It’s an eye opener, that’s for sure. We learn that God desires us to rely on Him, trust Him and obey Him fully. 

The Israelites asked the king of Edom to allow them to cross through their territory on route to Canaan.  The king of Edom refused and threatened to go to war with them.  The Edomites were descendants of Esau – who was Jacob’s (Israel) older twin brother.

Numbers 21:  The Israelites defeated the King of  Arad in the Negeb in Canaan,  King Sihon of the Amorites and King Og of Bashan.

Luke 5: Simon Peter, Andrew, James, John, Levi (Matthew). Jesus healed a leper who he told to tell no one, but commanded him to present himself to the priests and make an offering for his cleansing (as we just read in Leviticus 14 last week). He healed the paralytic, who was brought in by his friends through the roof.  He forgave the man his sins and commanded him to pick up his bed and go home. This miracle was done in the presence of many.  Jesus was asked why his disciples didn’t fast since the John the Baptist’s disciples and the Pharisees fasted.


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