Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Friday, February 8, 2019

Friday 8-Feb-19 Ex 39-40; Prov 17; Mark 2

Exodus 39: What did the four rows of three stones on the ephod represent?

Exodus 40: Who set up the Tabernacle and its furnishings? How did the Israelite community decide when to move on their journey?

Proverbs 17: What will one suffer who is glad about calamity?

What is an abomination to the Lord?

Mark 2: Where was ‘home’ for Jesus?  Whose home was Jesus in when the friends of the paralytic made an opening in the roof?  Where were the scribes and why did they criticize Jesus? Why did Jesus and His disciples not fast? 

Journal Prompt:  Is fasting something you do?  Why or why not? (Consider Mark 2:18-20)

Exodus 39:  The stones on the ephod, the breastplate of the priest, represent the twelve sons of Israel (Jacob) – the twelve tribes of Israel.

Exodus 40:  Moses was in charge of setting up the Tabernacle for this first time along with all of the furnishings. From verses 36-37: “whenever the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle, the people of Israel would set out. But if the cloud was not taken up, then they did not set out till the day that it was taken up.”

Proverbs 17: He who is happy at calamity will be punished.

He who justifies the wicked and condemns the just is an abomination to the Lord.

Mark 2:  Home for Jesus was Capernaum. (v. 1).  It might have been Jesus’ home!  The scribes seem to be in Jesus’ home as well and they were criticizing Him for forgiving the parylyzed man’s sins.  Note that they were questioning ‘in their hearts’ and Jesus was able to discern this.  This points to His divinity.  Jesus told the Pharisees that because He (the bridegroom) was in their presence, the disciples would not fast – however, this does not mean that Jesus says fasting is a thing of the past, because at the end of verse 20, He says “then they will fast in that day.”


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