Embrace Grace is a ministry at Second Union Church which reaches out to women with unplanned pregnancies who have made the courageous decision to keep their babies. We offer weekly small group meetings on Wednesdays which include emotional, physical and spiritual support to these precious moms.
The Embraced by Grace curriculum is a powerful yet simple study on how God’s grace and love is never-ending, no matter what our past is and what we’re going through. It offers hope to the hopeless and broken hearted that have found themselves with an unintended pregnancy.
We meet on Wednesdays at 7pm. If you have made the brave decision to go through with an unplanned pregnancy and would be interested in receiving more information, please contact Dely Seda at 787-720-4423.
Abraza la Gracia
“Embrace Grace” Embrace Grace es un nuevo ministerio en Second Union Church que se inició para llegar a las mujeres con embarazos no planificados que han tomado la decisión de quedarse con sus bebés. Ofrecemos reuniones semanales en grupos pequeños que incluyen apoyo emocional, físico y espiritual para estas preciosas madres.
Nos reunimos los miércoles a las 7pm. Si has tomado la valiente decisión de pasar por un embarazo no planificado y le gustaría recibir más información, comuníquese con Dely Seda al 787-720-4423.