Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

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Saturday, September 21, 2019

Saturday 21-Sept Isaiah 56; Ps 112; 1 Peter 2 Isaiah 56:To who also has God promised salvation? Who are the blind watchmen? 1 Peter 2: What are our spiritual sacrifices? What type of suffering is commendable before God? Journal Prompt: Do you live as an alien and stranger in our world because of your faith in Christ? If not, what would need…

Friday, September 20, 2019

Friday 20-Sept Isaiah 55; Song 8:8-14; 1 Peter 1 Isaiah 55:With what should we satisfy ourselves?  When can the Lord be found? 1 Peter 1:  How do we purify our souls? Journal Prompt: Describe how a living hope is a blessing in your life. What is the living hope based on? How does this living hope compare to other things that people…

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Thursday 19-Sept Isaiah 54; Ps 111; James 5 Isaiah 54:Even though God’s kindness will not depart from us, what will be removed? For who are all the promises and kindness of God? James 5: Who is it that may wander from the truth? What will happen if he does not turn back? What does it mean to “turn him back”? Journal Prompt:…

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Wednesday 18-Sept Isaiah 53; Song 8:1-7; James 4 Isaiah 53: What would the servant be familiar with? What will the Lord lay on the servant? James 4: How can we make the devil flee? Journal Prompt:  How can God draw near to us? Answers: Isaiah 53: The servant would know sorrow and grief. The Lord will lay upon the servant the iniquity…

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Tuesday 17-Sept Isaiah 52; Ps 110; James 3 Isaiah 52:Who is the servant who will be exalted? How will the servant’s appearance be marred? James 3: Where does envy and self-seeking come from? Journal Prompt:  What will the wisdom that comes from God produce?  Do you see evidence of this in your walk? Answers: Isaiah 52: Jesus is the servant who will…

Monday, September 16, 2019

Monday 16-Sept Isaiah 51; Song 7:6-13; James 2 Isaiah 51:What will be removed from God’s people? James 2: How do you prove your faith? Journal Prompt:  Consider the different examples James uses to demonstrate work-less faith.  Are your works motivated by your faith or do you think sometimes your works are seeking reward? Answers: Isaiah 51:The dregs of God’s fury against Israel will be…

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sunday 15-Sept Reflect on God as Eternal Monday 16-Sept Isaiah 51; Song 7:6-13; James 2 Tuesday 17-Sept Isaiah 52; Ps 110; James 3 Wednesday 18-Sept Isaiah 53; Song 8:1-7; James 4 Thursday 19-Sept Isaiah 54; Ps 111; James 5 Friday 20-Sept Isaiah 55; Song 8:8-14; 1 Peter 1 Saturday 21-Sept Isaiah 56; Ps 112; 1 Peter 2

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Saturday September 14 Isaiah 50; Ps 109; James 1 Isaiah 50:From what would the servant not hide?  Who are we to trust when we are in darkness? James 1:What will help us be saved? How can we deceive ourselves? Journal Prompt:  James 1 warns us to “be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger”.  Think of some examples from the past week…

Friday, September 13, 2019

Friday September 13 Isaiah 49; Song 7:1-5; Hebrews 13 Isaiah 49: What did God say of the Gentiles? Hebrews 13: What sacrifices does God like? Journal Prompt: How does God make us complete to do His will? Answers: Isaiah 49: The Gentiles would be His children and worship God as Israel had at one time (vs. 22-23). Hebrews 13: The sacrifice of prayer, praise,…

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Thursday September 12 Isaiah 48; Ps 108; Hebrews 12 Isaiah 48:  How could the people have had peace and righteousness? Hebrews 12: What does God do to us when we fall into sin?What will the chastening of the Lord produce? Journal Prompt:  From our reading in Hebrews, what must we pursue to be with the Lord? Answers: Isaiah 48: If they had…