Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

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Monday, October 21, 2019

Monday 21-Oct-19 Jeremiah 29-30; Revelation 11 Jeremiah 29: What did Jeremiah write to the captives in Babylon? How would the captives in Babylon find God again? Jeremiah 30: Why did Jeremiah write a book? Revelation 11: How long is the holy city (Jerusalem) to be trampled by the Gentiles? What do the two witnesses do?  Who kills the two witnesses? Journal Prompt: …

Sunday, October 20, 2109

Today we reflect on God’s compassion. Sunday 20-Oct-19 Reflect on God’s Compassion Monday 21-Oct-19 Jeremiah 29-30; Revelation 11 Tuesday 22-Oct-19 Jeremiah 31-32; Ps 119:137-144; Revelation 12 Wednesday 23-Oct-19 Jeremiah33-34; Revelation 13 Thursday 24-Oct-19 Jeremiah 35-36; Ps 119:145-152; Revelation 14 Friday 25-Oct-19 Jeremiah 37-38; Revelation 15 Saturday 26-Oct-19 Jeremiah39-40; Ps 119:153-160; Revelation 16

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Saturday 19-Oct-19 Jeremiah 27-28; Ps 119:129-136; Rev 10 Jeremiah 27: How many generations of the King of Babylon would rule over Judah during their captivity? Jeremiah 28: What was Hananiah’s prophecy of the captives and the Lord’s vessels? Revelation 10: What did the mighty angel proclaim? Journal Prompt:  History proves that Jeremiah’s prophecies came to be true and three generations of Babylonian…

Friday, October 18, 2019

Friday 18-Oct-19 Jeremiah 25-26; Rev 9 Jeremiah 25: How long would the people be in captivity? Jeremiah 26: Why did the people want to kill Jeremiah at the house of the Lord? Who helped save Jeremiah from harm? Revelation 9: What does the sixth trumpet release on earth?  How did the rest of mankind react to this destruction? Journal Prompt: What do…

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Thursday 17-Oct-19 Jeremiah 23-24; Ps 119:121-128; Rev 8 Jeremiah 23: Who specifically is the Lord condemning in this chapter? Jeremiah 24: What did the two baskets of figs represent? Revelation 8:  How many angels were there?  What did the seven trumpets represent? Journal Prompt: Consider the prayers of the saints that are so important to God a special angel presents them before…

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Wednesday 16-Oct-19 Jeremiah 21-22; Ps 119:113-120; Rev 7 Jeremiah 21:  What did King Zedekiah send his priests to ask Jeremiah? What was the Lord’s answer? Jeremiah 22:  What did Jeremiah do? Revelation 7:  What was the mission of the fifth angel? Who were the multitude in white robes? Answers: Jeremiah 21:  King Zedekiah wanted to know if the Lord would protect them…

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Tuesday 15-Oct-19 Jeremiah 19-20; Ps 119:105-112; Rev 6 Jeremiah 19: What was Jeremiah commanded to do in this verse? Jeremiah 20: What was the result of Jeremiah’s actions? Revelation 6: What seemed to be the mission of the riders and their horses? Journal Prompt: Read Jeremiah 20: has 7-18. Are there times when you have felt like this? Pay special attention to…

Monday, October 14, 2019

Monday 14-Oct-19 Jeremiah 17-18; Ps 119:97-104; Rev 5 There are a lot of familiar passages in today’s readings! Jeremiah 17:  According to these passages, what do you need to do in order to be blessed?  Jeremiah 18: Why did the Lord send Jeremiah to the potter’s house? Revelation 5: Why were people weeping?  What names are used in reference to Jesus in…

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sunday 13-Oct-19 Reflect on God’s generosity Today we reflect on the generosity of God. Take time today to be silent in God’s presence and to express your gratefulness for His generosity. Below are our readings for the coming week: Sunday 13-Oct-19 Reflect on God’s generosity Monday 14-Oct-19 Jeremiah 17-18; Ps 119:97-104; Rev 5 Tuesday 15-Oct-19 Jeremiah 19-20; Ps 119:105-112; Rev 6 Wednesday…

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Saturday 12- October Jeremiah15-16; Ps 119:89-96; Rev 4 Jeremiah 15: Who are the destroyers that God would appoint over the Israelites? Jeremiah 16: What surprising command did God give to Jeremiah? Revelation 4: What vision did John receive? Journal Prompt: After reading Revelation 4, how do your thoughts of heaven differ from John’s vision? Do you often think about heaven? Take some…