Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Join us as we read through the Bible daily in 2019. 

Each day we will feature the Bible passages along with questions and answers to guide your readings.

Saturday, January 5, 2018

Genesis 19-22; Psalm 3; Matthew 5 Genesis 19: How many angels went to Sodom? What did Lot do to protect them? What happened to Lot’s wife and his daughters? Genesis 20: How did Abraham justify his telling Abimelech that Sarah was his sister? Genesis 21: Why did Sarah want to get rid of Hagar and Ishmael?  Genesis 22: How and why was…

Friday, January 4, 2019

Genesis 15-18; Proverbs 2; Matthew 4 Genesis 15: What was the concern that Abram expressed to the Lord?  What ‘object lesson’ did the Lord use with Abram in verse 5. Genesis 16: What did Sarah do to take control of the situation? What did Hagar call God? Genesis 17: What covenant does God re-visit with Abram? Why did he change his name…

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Thursday January 3, 2018  Gen 10-14; Ps 2; Matt 3 Genesis 11: Why was the tower of Babel built? Genesis 12: what was Abram’s ultimate purpose? How many alters to God did he erect? How old was Abraham when he set out canaan and how many were in his entourage? Genesis 13 where did Abram go after leaving Egypt? Why did Abraham…

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Genesis 5: Who was Methusaleh and how old was he? Genesis 6: What was wrong with mankind during Noah’s time? Genesis 7:  How many animals of each species entered the ark? Genesis 8:  How long did Noah and family remain on the ark? (This is a complicated one – you might want to wait for the answer!) What was Noah’s first act…

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Tuesday January 1, 2018 Gen 1-4; Ps 1; Matt 1 Genesis 1: On what day was man created? What was the first thing God did for man? What was given to man for food?  Genesis 2: What was the second thing that God blessed? Genesis 3: Why did the woman eat the fruit (in addition to being tempted?) Genesis 4: Who were…

Tuesday October 9

Tuesday Oct 9: John the Baptist, Jesus’ baptism, Jesus’ temptation, Calling of the first disciples, the Wedding in Cana Matthew 3:1-12;Mark 1:1-8;Luke 3:1-18;John 1:19-51;Mark 1:9-11;Luke3:21-22;Matthew 1:1-17;Luke 3:23-38;Matthew 4:1-11; John 1:35-51; Mark 1:12-13;Luke 4:1-13;John 1:35-51; John 2:2-32; Matthew 21:12-13; Mark: 11.15-17;Luke 19:45-46; John 2:23-25; John 3 Seems like a lot of reading, right? Well, it really isn’t if you cut and paste it…

Monday, October 8

Monday 8-Oct Luke 1:1-4; John 1:1-18; Luke 1:5-80; Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 2:1-40; Matthew 2:1-12; Luke 2:41-52 Today we open our pages to the New Testament. Everything we have read this year up until today has pointed to Jesus Christ, and today the story of our salvation unfolds for us! I don’t know about you, but I am filled with excitement and expectation…

Monday, October 9

Monday, October 9:  The prophecies of Jesus’ birth, the birth of John, the birth of Jesus, Jesus’ life from birth through age 12 Monday 8-Oct Luke 1:1-4; John 1:1-18; Luke 1:5-80; Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 2:1-40; Matthew 2:1-12; Luke 2:41-52 Today we open our pages to the New Testament. Everything we have read this year up until today has pointed to Jesus Christ,…

humility vs. pride

You see, humility leads to success and inclusion whereas pride’s number one concern is to look for number one, thus, instead of being successfully inclusive it becomes exceptionally exclusive. And that is not a recipe for success. Or I love the story of the late, great Christian humanitarian Albert Schweitzer. Albert Schweitzer spoke to a graduating class of an English boys’ school back…