Join us as we read through the Bible daily in 2019.
Each day we will feature the Bible passages along with questions and answers to guide your readings.
Today is a Sabbath day to catch up, meditate on God’s Word, rest and reflect on God as Alpha & Omega. Revelation 1:8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” Revelation 21:6 He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost…
Exodus 17-18; Psalm 12; Matt 23 Exodus 17: What is notable about the battle with the Amalekites? Exodus 18: Who was Jethro and why did he come to see Moses? What did Jethro suggest that Moses do to handle the disputes between the Israelites? Matthew 23: How would the sons of the forefathers measure up to them? What did Jesus predict the…
Friday 25-Jan-19 Exodus 15-16 Prov 11 Matt 22 Exodus 15: What did the people of Israel complain about in the wilderness of Shur? b. What happened when Moses threw a tree into the waters? Exodus 16: How long had it been since Israel had left Egypt and until they were in the Wilderness of Sin? What were the children of Israel complaining…
Thursday 24-Jan-19 Exodus 13-14; Psalm 11; Matthew 21 Exodus 13: what is forbidden for the Hebrews to consume during the passover remembrance? Why did they not follow a more direct route toward the promised land? What did Moses bring along on the journey and how was God present with them? Exodus 14: What did the people say to Moses when they saw…
Weds 23-Jan-19 Exodus 11-12 Proverbs 10 Matthew 20 Today we a very short chapter in the book of Exodus, followed by a very long one! Exodus 11: What plague did Moses announce? What did the Lord tell Moses to ask the Egyptians for? Exodus 12: What did God tell the Hebrews to change (remake)? What instructions did the Lord tell Moses to…
Tuesday 22-January-19 Exodus 9-10 Palm 10; Matthew 19 Exodus 9: What were the fifth, sixth and seventh plagues and what was the result of each? Exodus 10: Who else asked Pharaoh to give in to Moses? Matthew 19: Why did Moses allow divorce? What did Jesus know about the rich, young ruler? Journal Prompt: What do you have a hard time giving…
M 21-Jan-19 Ex 7-8 Prov 9 Matt 18 Exodus 7: How old were Moses and Aaron when they spoke to Pharaoh? What was the first plague? What was the result? Exodus 8: What were the second, third and fourth plagues? Proverbs 9: What will be added to you if you have wisdom? Matthew 18: What do you read about children and their…
S 20-Jan-19 Reflect on God as Almighty M 21-Jan-19 Ex 7-8 Prov 9 Matt 18 T 22-Jan-19 Ex 9-10 Ps 10 Matt 19 W 23-Jan-19 Ex 11-12 Prov 10 Matt 20 TH 24-Jan-19 Ex 13-14 Ps 11 Matt 21 F 25-Jan-19 Ex 15-16 Prov 11 Matt 22 SA 26-Jan-19 Ex 17-18 Ps 12 Matt 23 Here is the schedule for the week…
Saturday, January 19 Exodus 5-6; Psalm 9; Matthew 17 Exodus 5: What was the result of Moses’ first meeting with Pharaoh? Exodus 6: What happened when Moses spoke with God about his first go-round with Pharaoh? What was his concern? Matthew 17: What question did Peter ask and what was Jesus’ answer? What miracles occurred in this chapter? Journal prompt: The transfiguration…
Friday, June 18 Exodus 3-4; Proverbs 8; Matthew 16 Exodus 3: List some reasons why Moses would have been apprehensive about returning to speak with Pharaoh? What help did the Lord tell him to expect? Exodus 4: What did Moses complain about to God? How did God respond to Moses’ complaints? Why did God want to kill Moses? Who was Zipporah? Proverbs…