Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Blog Bible Readings (Page 18)

Join us on the great journey of reading through the Bible in one year.  Each day you will find the daily readings along with questions to guide your time in God’s Word.  In addition there will be a daily journaling prompt, and if you scroll down to the bottom, you will find the answers to the questions! May the Holy Spirit encourage you!!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Thursday 29-August Isaiah 36; Ps 105; Philemon Isaiah 36: This passage probably sounds familiar.  We read a very similar account in  2 Kings 18:13-27 and 2 Chronicles 32:1-19!  What was the mission of the envoy of the king of Assyria to the Hebrews?  How did the people respond? Philemon: What is the purpose of the letter to Philemon? Journal Prompt: The believers were to…

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Wednesday 28-August Isaiah 35; Song 3:6-11; Titus 3 What a beautiful picture Isaiah 35 paints!  Isaiah 35: What will the ‘highway’ be called? Titus 3: By whom and how are we saved? Journal Prompt:  Titus 3 tells us how to deal with people who are divisive.  Who in your life do you need to deal with in this way? Isaiah 35: The…

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Tuesday 27-August Isaiah 34; Ps 104; Titus 2 What a contrast we have between Isaiah 34 and Psalm 104! Isaiah 34: What is the book (scroll) that was searched in verse 16? Titus 2: What does Grace teach us? Journal Prompt: In the second chapter of Titus, Paul uses the word ‘self-controlled’ four times as a reminder to how believers should be…

Monday, August 26, 2019

Monday 26-August Isaiah 33; Song 3:1-5; Titus 1 Isaiah 33: The righteous ones will observe the King and His kingdom. This is the coming kingdom under Jesus. They will remember all the evil done by their enemies. They will not see any more destruction of their city or scattering of their people once the Lord stands to defend His people. (vs. 17-20)…

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Sunday 25-August Reflect on God as Holy Monday 26-August Isaiah 33; Song 3:1-5; Titus 1 Tuesday 27-August Isaiah 34; Ps 104; Titus 2 Wednesday 28-August Isaiah 35; Song 3:6-11; Titus 3 Thursday 29-August Isaiah 36; Ps 105; Philemon Friday 30-August Isaiah 37; Song 4:1-8; Heb 1 Saturday 31-August Isaiah 38; Ps 105:23-45; Heb 2 Set aside some time to day to reflect…

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Saturday 24-August Isaiah 32; Ps 103; 2 Timothy 4 Isaiah 32:  What does Isaiah warn the women about? 2 Timothy 4: What does Paul urge Timothy to do? Don’t you wonder if Timothy ever made it to see Paul before he died? I do! Journal Prompt: Read Psalm 103 out loud. Which verses especially touch your heart? Take some time to praise…

Friday, August 23, 2019

Friday 23-August Isaiah 31; Song 2:8-17; 2 Tim 3 Isaiah 31: What would the Lord be like for those who trust in Him? 2 Tim 3: What should be expected for all who desire to live a godly life? Journal Prompt: Knowing that persecution is something we should expect, how prepared are you to face it? Answers: Isaiah 31: God will be…

Wednesday, August 21, 2109

Wednesday 21-August Isaiah 29; Song 2:1-7; 2 Timothy 1 Isaiah 29: In these verses, Isaiah prophesies the downfall of Jerusalem. What role will God play in this and why? Song 2:1-7: To what does the beloved compare herself? 2 Timothy 1:  What seems to be the purpose of this letter and why? Journal Prompt:  Paul encourages Timothy to “to fan into flame…

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Tuesday 20-August Isaiah 28; Ps 101; 1 Tim 6 Isaiah 28: What are verses 23-29 about? 1 Timothy 6:  What is great gain?  What has caused many to wander away from their faith? Journal Prompt:  Read verses 17-19 of 1st Timothy 6.  Write about how you can be rich in good works. Answers: Isaiah 28: Again they are called to listen to…

Monday, August 29, 2019

Monday 19-August Isaiah 27; Song 1:8-17; 1 Tim 5 Isaiah 27: On the day of redemption, what will happen? Song of Solomon 1:8-17  what metaphors are used to describe his love? 1 Timothy 5: Who is worse than an unbeliever? Journal Prompt: What things do the verses in 1 Timothy 5:17-25 challenge the believer to do? Answers: Isaiah 27: On the day…