Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Blog Bible Readings (Page 16)

Join us on the great journey of reading through the Bible in one year.  Each day you will find the daily readings along with questions to guide your time in God’s Word.  In addition there will be a daily journaling prompt, and if you scroll down to the bottom, you will find the answers to the questions! May the Holy Spirit encourage you!!

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Saturday 21-Sept Isaiah 56; Ps 112; 1 Peter 2 Isaiah 56:To who also has God promised salvation? Who are the blind watchmen? 1 Peter 2: What are our spiritual sacrifices? What type of suffering is commendable before God? Journal Prompt: Do you live as an alien and stranger in our world because of your faith in Christ? If not, what would need…

Friday, September 20, 2019

Friday 20-Sept Isaiah 55; Song 8:8-14; 1 Peter 1 Isaiah 55:With what should we satisfy ourselves?  When can the Lord be found? 1 Peter 1:  How do we purify our souls? Journal Prompt: Describe how a living hope is a blessing in your life. What is the living hope based on? How does this living hope compare to other things that people…

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Thursday 19-Sept Isaiah 54; Ps 111; James 5 Isaiah 54:Even though God’s kindness will not depart from us, what will be removed? For who are all the promises and kindness of God? James 5: Who is it that may wander from the truth? What will happen if he does not turn back? What does it mean to “turn him back”? Journal Prompt:…

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Wednesday 18-Sept Isaiah 53; Song 8:1-7; James 4 Isaiah 53: What would the servant be familiar with? What will the Lord lay on the servant? James 4: How can we make the devil flee? Journal Prompt:  How can God draw near to us? Answers: Isaiah 53: The servant would know sorrow and grief. The Lord will lay upon the servant the iniquity…

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Tuesday 17-Sept Isaiah 52; Ps 110; James 3 Isaiah 52:Who is the servant who will be exalted? How will the servant’s appearance be marred? James 3: Where does envy and self-seeking come from? Journal Prompt:  What will the wisdom that comes from God produce?  Do you see evidence of this in your walk? Answers: Isaiah 52: Jesus is the servant who will…

Monday, September 16, 2019

Monday 16-Sept Isaiah 51; Song 7:6-13; James 2 Isaiah 51:What will be removed from God’s people? James 2: How do you prove your faith? Journal Prompt:  Consider the different examples James uses to demonstrate work-less faith.  Are your works motivated by your faith or do you think sometimes your works are seeking reward? Answers: Isaiah 51:The dregs of God’s fury against Israel will be…

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sunday 15-Sept Reflect on God as Eternal Monday 16-Sept Isaiah 51; Song 7:6-13; James 2 Tuesday 17-Sept Isaiah 52; Ps 110; James 3 Wednesday 18-Sept Isaiah 53; Song 8:1-7; James 4 Thursday 19-Sept Isaiah 54; Ps 111; James 5 Friday 20-Sept Isaiah 55; Song 8:8-14; 1 Peter 1 Saturday 21-Sept Isaiah 56; Ps 112; 1 Peter 2

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Saturday September 14 Isaiah 50; Ps 109; James 1 Isaiah 50:From what would the servant not hide?  Who are we to trust when we are in darkness? James 1:What will help us be saved? How can we deceive ourselves? Journal Prompt:  James 1 warns us to “be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger”.  Think of some examples from the past week…

Friday, September 13, 2019

Friday September 13 Isaiah 49; Song 7:1-5; Hebrews 13 Isaiah 49: What did God say of the Gentiles? Hebrews 13: What sacrifices does God like? Journal Prompt: How does God make us complete to do His will? Answers: Isaiah 49: The Gentiles would be His children and worship God as Israel had at one time (vs. 22-23). Hebrews 13: The sacrifice of prayer, praise,…

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Thursday September 12 Isaiah 48; Ps 108; Hebrews 12 Isaiah 48:  How could the people have had peace and righteousness? Hebrews 12: What does God do to us when we fall into sin?What will the chastening of the Lord produce? Journal Prompt:  From our reading in Hebrews, what must we pursue to be with the Lord? Answers: Isaiah 48: If they had…