Hurricane Fiona Food Drive
Due to the need caused by Hurricane Fiona, we are collecting donations of food for those families and individuals who have been unable to place meals on their tables. Please bring your shelf stable food donations to the church. We will be happy to receive financial contributions – 100% of which will be used to purchase food and supplies.
The Backpack Program – La Mochila Alegre
The Backpack Program, known in Spanish as “Mochila Alegre” provides weekend meals for elementary-aged students who need supplemental nutrition throughout the weekend. This program falls under the auspices of Feed America and the “Banco de Alimentos de Puerto Rico” (The Food Bank of PR).
Each week, the volunteers of the Backpack Program pack over 30 backpacks for students at the Escuela Elemental La Urbana in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico. We need lots of hands to help pack and distribute the backpacks. In addition, we need volunteers to assist in picking up food once a month at the Banco de Alimentos (Food Bank), storing food in our pantry and maintaining inventory.
Donations for the Backpack Program are always appreciated! If you would like to contribute in some way, please contact email: loraine.colon12@gmail.com
Following are items used for the Backpack Program which we recommend: tuna, canned pasta (i.e. Chef Boyardee), fruit cups, canned beans, Macaroni and cheese, peanut butter, soup, vienna sausage, canned corned beef, juices and juice drinks, crackers, cereal, milk (shelf stable), protein bars, trail mix in individual servings, raisins, nuts, muffins, bread, etc.
Is it not to share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover him, and not to hide yourself from your own flesh? Isaiah 58:7
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