Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Posts by Servant (Page 7)

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Wednesday, February 12: Exodus 25-27; Psalm 90; Philippians 1 Exodus 25: What instructions does the Lord give Moses during the forty days that Moses is in His presence on the mountain?  What is the ‘ark of the covenant’ and what is to be placed in it? Exodus 26-27: Why do you think God gave Moses such detailed instructions about the design and…

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Tuesday, February 11: Exodus 22-24; Psalm 109; Eph 6 Exodus 22: What crime will God Himself punish?   Exodus 23: What is the Sabbath law concerning the land?  What do you think about this? What are the three festivals.  What is the role of the angel that God will send ahead of the Israelites? Why did God require that the enemy be…

Monday, February 10, 2020

Monday, February 10: Exodus 19-21; Psalm 33; Ephesians 5 Exodus 19: What does God say is the benefit of obedience? What happened when God spoke to the people?  What happens when the Bible speaks about Jesus returning? ? ?  (Matthew 24:31 for example) Exodus 20: Which commandments seem to have the most emphasis? Exodus 21:Why do you think these rules and laws…

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Week 6 Sunday, February 9: Exodus 16-18; Eph 4 Monday, February 10: Exodus 19-21; Psalm 33; Eph 5; Tuesday, February 11: Exodus 22-24; Psalm 109; Eph 6 Wednesday, February 12: Exodus 25-27; Psalm 90; Philippians 1 Thursday, February 13: Exodus 28-31; Phil 2 Sunday, February 9: Exodus 16-18; Ephesians 4 Exodus 16: What did the people complain to Moses about? What did…

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Thursday, February 6: Exodus 13-15; Psalm 114; Ephesians 3 Exodus 13:  Why did God not lead the Israelites on a direct route to the Promised land?  What did Moses take with him? Exodus 14: Why did the Israelites turn back and camp closer to Egypt? Note the irony of the peoples’ complaint in verse 11!  What was Moses’ default response to their…

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Wednesday, February 5:  Exodus 10-12; Ephesians 2 Exodus 10: What changed about the Pharaoh’s attitude after the plague of the hail? What about after the plague of darkness? Exodus 11: How many plagues were there in total?  What instructions were given to Moses in verse 2? Exodus 12: What reasons does Paul give for why God has now “made us alive with…

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Tuesday, February 4: Exodus 7-9; Psalm 105; Ephesians 1 Exodus 7: Who was older, Moses or Aaron? Whose staff became a snake?  What did the Egyptian magicians do? And then what happened?  What was the first plague? Exodus 8: What plagues occurred in chapter 8 and how did the Lord bring them about? What occurred after each plague? Exodus 9: What plagues…

Monday, February 3, 2020

Exodus 4-6; Galatians 6 Exodus 4: Why did God provide Moses with he power to turn his staff into a snake?  What did Moses do when his staff turned into a snake?  What other powers or ability was Moses given?  Why wasn’t Moses circumcised? Exodus 5: What was the result of asking Pharaoh to let the Israelites to go? Exodus 6:  What…

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Week 5 Sunday, February 2:  Exodus 1-3; Gal 5 Monday, February 3: Exodus 4-6; Gal 6 Tuesday, February 4: Exodus 7-9; Psalm 105; Ephesians 1 Wednesday, February 5:  Exodus 10-12; Ephesians 2 Thursday, February 6: Exodus 13-15; Psalm 114; Ephesians 3 Sunday, February 2:  Exodus 1-3; Gal 5 Exodus 1: What led to the oppression of the Hebrews? Exodus 2: What tribe…

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Thursday, January 30: Genesis 49-50; Galatians 4 Genesis 49: After blessing his sons, where did Jacob tell them he want to be buried? Genesis 50: Who went with Joseph to bury Abraham’s body? Galatians 4: What does the ‘fullness of time’ ESV (the set time had fully come – NIV)refer to in verse 4? Why did Paul first preach the gospel in…