Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Posts by Servant (Page 46)

Jan 6

Those of you in PR most likely have a day off due to the celebration of Three Kings Day! How appropriate that our reading yesterday was from Matthew 2! Contrary to the images of the creche scenes with camels and wise men, we know from this chapter that Jesus was a ‘young child’, not a newborn infant when the wise men arrived.…

Jan 4: Matt 2; Job 1-3

Thursday: Matthew 2; Job 1-3 Matthew 2: Why did Joseph, Mary and their newborn flee to Egypt? How much time (approximately) might have passed between Jesus’ birth and their flight to Egypt:? Job 1: Who suggested Job for this ‘test’? Job 2:What further harm did Satan want to try against Job? How was He limited? Job 3: What did Job curse and…

Jan 4: Luke 2; Gen 10-11

Wednesday: January 4 Luke 2: what did Mary treasure in her heart? (Hint: there are two times this phrase is used in this chapter) Genesis 10. How many different languages were spoken? Who founded Nineveh? Genesis 11: Pay special attention to the family of Terah in Ur of the Chaldeans. (verses 26-32) as this is where Abram (Abraham) comes into the Biblical…

Jan 3: Matt 1: Gen 7-9

Tuesday, Jan 3 Matthew 1: Which women are mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus? Compare verses 21 & 23. What do you think about that? Genesis 7: How many animals of each species entered the ark? Genesis 8: What was Noah’s first act after leaving the ark? Genesis 9: Compare verses 3-4 and Genesis 1:29-30. What different command is given to Noah?…

Jan 2: John 1: Genesis 4-6

Monday  2-Jan John 1 Genesis 4-6 John 1: Who was the true light? What question did Jesus ask those who were following him? Genesis 4: What advice did God give Cain? (v. 7) Genesis 5: who was Methusaleh and how old was he? Genesis 6: What was wrong with mankind during Noah’s time?

Jan 1: Luke 1; Genesis 1-3

Sunday: Luke 1 Genesis 1-3 Luke 1: Who did Luke write this book to and why? What was Zechariah doing when the angel appeared and what was Zechariah’s reaction? Compare verses 17 Malachi 4:5-6 (we won’t read this prophesy until December 31 of 2017!) What did Zechariah prophesy about his son? Genesis 1: On what day was man created? What was the…

2 Kings 5-8

2 Kings 5-8 Today we read some very familiar stories about the prophet Elisha and the way God used him. What similarities and differences do you see between Elijah and Elisha? In Chapter 7, how did the Lord provide relief from the famine? What do you find curious about Chapter 8 verse 4?

2 Kings 1-4

2 Kings 1-4 In chapter 3, how did Israel win the battle against Moab? What parallels do you see between God’s provision in terms of the ditches and God’s provision in terms of the woman collecting jars for the oil in chapter 4? This seems to be a series of small steps – and trusting God and following his commands regardless of…

2 Chronicles 19-23

2 Chronicles 19-23 How did Jehoshaphat confront his fear when he heard the news of the approaching army? We see the negative influence the women had on the kings. Who did Jehoram marry? (21:6) Who prophesied about Jehoram’s demise? Who was Ataliah? How did God use Jehoshabeath to preserve the royal line of David? How old was Joash when he was made…