Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Posts by Servant (Page 42)

Weds: 1-Mar Mark 9; Lev 7-10

Mark 9: What did the father of the demon-possessed child’s ask Jesus to do for him in addition to healing his son? Lev 7: What two parts of the animals are the Israelites strictly prevented from eating according to this chapter? What is the punishment for disobeying this command? Lev 8 & 9: Describe the…

Be Prepared!

We have a challenging 69 chapters ahead of us. It is normally at some point during these next six to seven weeks that people drop out. Why? Well, for two reasons 1) the laws and instructions are very detailed and can seem laborious and 2) they don’t seem to apply to us anymore (. .…

Tuesday, Feb 27 Matt 17: Lev 4-6

Matt 17: How did Jesus and the disciples pay the temple tax? Lev 4: What was the difference in sacrifices required for a leader and a commoner who had unintentionally sinned? Lev 5: What should you do immediately when you realize you have sinned unintentionally? Lev 6: Which offerings are the priests allowed to eat?

Mon Feb 26 Mark 8: Leviticus 1-3

Mark 8: If we are ashamed of Jesus, what will be Jesus’ response? Leviticus 1: what is the purpose of the burnt offering? Leviticus 2: what must not be presented to the Lord as part of the grain offering? Leviticus 3: what are the Israelites commanded not to eat in this chapter?

Sun 26-Feb: Matt 16; Exodus 38-40

It’s time to dig in – prepare yourselves – we begin what may be the sixteen most challenging weeks of the year-long reading plan. With the power of the Holy Spirit it will be a breeze. Hang in there – listen or read in the Message version. Whatever you do – DON’T give up! If you find yourself falling behind, call me!…

Thur 23-Feb: Mark 7; Exodus 34-37

Mark 7: What defiles or corrupts a person? Why did Jesus heal the Gentile woman’s daughter? Exodus 34: What was the first thing Moses asked God on the mountain? How many times did God command all the men to appear before Him? What promise did he make about the times they were to appear before him? Exodus 35: How did Moses receive…

Wednesday 22-Feb. Matthew 15; Exodus 31-33

Matthew 15: How does Jesus answer the question posed by the Pharisees about why his disciples were eating with unclean hands? Exodus 31: What did God command the Israelites regarding the Sabbath? Why is it so important.? Who made the tablets which held the 10 commandments? Exodus 32: Why did the people ask Aaron to make a golden calf and what was…

Tues 21-Feb John 6 Exodus 28-30

John 6: Finish this statement that Jesus made: I am the ___________ __ ______. What is he referencing here – consider verse 37? (see v.What does Jesus promise in verse 37? Exodus 28 what should be engraved on the two stones that go on the shoulders Aaron? What name is given to the front part of the ephod? (verse 29) Exodus 29:…

Mon 20-Feb:Luke 9; Exodus 24-27

Luke 9: On the mount of transfiguration, what were Moses and Elijah speaking to Jesus about? How many times in this chapter is the Jesus’ death mentioned? what happened when he sent his messengers to find lodging for him in a Samaritan town? Exodus 24: What did Moses throw on the people and why? What did Moses, Joshua and the elders see?…

Sun 19-Feb Mark 6; Exodus 20-23

Mark 6: which events in this chapter have you read about in previous chapters? Did you notice anything different? Exodus 20: Make a list of the ten commandments. What does it mean ‘to take the Lord’s name in vain?’ Exodus 21: How long could a Hebrew remain a slave? Exodus 22: Why was Israel not…