Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Posts by Servant (Page 33)

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Thursday 21-March Deut 23-24; Psalm 35; Luke 22 Deuteronomy 23: Why were the Ammonites, Moabites and Edomites forbidden from entering the assembly? Deuteronomy 24: What provisions does the Law make for the poor? Luke 22: Immediately after the ‘last supper’ what did the disciples argue about? What happened when Jesus prayed “if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will,…

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Wednesday 20-March Deut 21-22; Eccl 2:1-17; Luke 21 Ecclesiastes 2:1-17: What was Solomon attempting to do?  What were his great works? What was the result? Luke 21: What opportunity does persecution provide? (v. 13)   What does Jesus say about signs of the end times? Journal Prompt:  Consider the reading from Ecclesiastes, what have you acquired or accomplished expecting to find happiness yet…

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Tuesday 19-March Deuteronomy; 19-20; Psalm 34; Luke 20 Deuteronomy 19:  The cities of refuge were created for whose protection? Who was not eligible to go to a city of refuge? Deuteronomy 20: Who was exempt from serving in the army? Luke 20: Who did Jesus say to beware of and why? Journal Prompt: How do you “taste and see” that the Lord…

Monday, March 18, 2019

Monday 18-Mar Deut 17-18; Eccl 1:12-18; Luke 19 Deuteronomy 17: Who was to decide upon cases of homicide? What specific laws were there for kings? (You’ll want to remember these!) Deuteronomy 18: How were the Levites (priests) to provide for themselves and their families since they did not receive an inheritance as did all the other tribes?  How were the Israelites to…

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Sunday 17-March Reflect on God as our Peace We are quickly approaching the end of the Torah – the first five books of the Bible. Deuteronomy may seem a bit repetitive, because it is. Moses is using this last opportunity to remind the Israelites about what God expects of them and how they must behave to remain in God’s good graces. Moses…

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Saturday 16-March Deuteronomy 15-16 Ps 33 Luke 18 Deuteronomy 15: How were the poor to be provided for? What special instructions were given for the first born of their livestock? Deuteronomy 16: Where was the Passover to be celebrated? What three feasts required the Israelites to go to the central place of worship? Luke 18: Why did the judge grant justice to…

Friday, March 15, 2019

Friday 15-March Deuteronomy 13-14 Eccl 1:1-11 Luke 17 Deuteronomy 13: What were they to do if anyone tried to lead them to follow other gods?  What if a whole town was led astray? Deuteronomy 14: What was to be done with their tithe (first fruits, first crops, etc) if they lived far from the place designated by God to bring their offering.…

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Thursday 14-March Deuteronomy 11-12; Ps 32 Luke 16 Deuteronomy 11: What disciplines are the Israelites to adopt? Deuteronomy 12: Where were the sacrifices to be made? Luke 16: What is highly esteemed among men but an abomination to God?What is the meaning of the rich man and Lazarus? Journal Prompt: What lesson can you learn from the parable of the dishonest manager?…

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Wednesday 13-March Deuteronomy 9-10; Prov 31 Luke 15 Deuteronomy 9: What does Moses warn the people about once the future enemy has been vanquished? How long was Moses on the mountaintop and what did he do?  (v 9) Deuteronomy 10: What did Moses do when he met with God on the mountain? What did Moses do with the second set of the…

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Tuesday 12-March Deuteronomy 7-8; Ps 31 Luke 14 Deuteronomy 7: What are the Israelites to fear, and what are they not to fear?  Will victory be immediate? Why or why not? Deuteronomy 8: What do you find interesting in interesting in verses 3-5? What does God warn them against in verses 11-17? Luke 14: What do you find interesting about verse 1?…