Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Posts by Servant (Page 21)

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Today we focus on the humility of Jesus. May you take time to meditate on Matthew 11:28-30 and the words of our Savior. May you find rest for your soul. Below is our reading schedule for the week. Sunday 28-July Reflect on God as Humble Monday 29-July Isaiah 9; Job 35; Philippians 3 Tuesday 30-July Isaiah 10; Ps 92; Philippians 4 Wednesday…

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Saturday 27-July Isaiah 8; Psalm 91; Philippians 2 Isaiah 8: What was Isaiah commanded to do? Philippians 2: What should we be to the world? How? Journal Prompt: How do you work out your faith with fear and trembling? Answers: Isaiah 8: Isaiah was commanded to write this name on a tablet “Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz  “which means “speed to the spoil, hurry to the…

Friday, July 26, 2019

Friday 26-July Isaiah 7; Job 34; Philippians 1 Isaiah 7: Who was king in this chapter? Why did Ahaz not want to ask for a sign from God? What was the sign? Philippians 1: Why does Paul rejoice? Journal Prompt:  “Let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ”, re-read verses 27-30.  What does this exhortation mean to you?…

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Thursday 25-July Isaiah 6; Ps 90; Ephesians 6 Isaiah 6: What was Isaiah’s reaction to his vision of the throne of God?  What did he consider himself unclean of? What was he commanded to do and what was his response? Ephesians 6: What is noted about the fifth commandment?  What is the full armour of God? Journal Prompt:  Write down each piece…

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Wednesday 24-July Isaiah 5; Job 33; Ephesians 5 Isaiah 5: What did Isaiah prophesy about the people who God cared for and why? Ephesians 5: What should we find out of the Lord? How do we do this? Journal Prompt: Ephesians 5:4 states “Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let…

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Tuesday 23-July Isaiah 4; Ps 89:27-52; Ephesians 4 Isaiah 4: What (who) does the ‘branch of the Lord’ refer to?  Who will cleanse the women and Jerusalem from their sin? Ephesians 4: How can you give the devil a foothold in your life? Is it a sin to be angry? Why or why not? I had to read and re-read Ephesians 4. …

Monday, July 22, 2019

Monday 22-July Isaiah 3; Job 32; Ephesians 3 Isaiah 3: In what ways will God bring judgment upon Israel? How do the people feel about their sin? Ephesians 3: How are we strengthened by God? In what are we strengthened? Journal Prompt: When we accept Christ as our Savior, He dwells within us (v. 17) through the power of the Holy Spirit …

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Sunday 21-July Reflect on God as High Priest Monday 22-July Isaiah 3; Job 32; Ephesians 3 Tuesday 23-July Isaiah 4; Ps 89:27-52; Ephesians 4 Wednesday 24-July Isaiah 5; Job 33; Ephesians 5 Thursday 25-July Isaiah 6; Ps 90; Ephesians 6 Friday 26-July Isaiah 7; Job 34; Philippians 1 Saturday 27-Jul-y Isaiah 8; Ps 91; Philippians 2 Since then we have a great…

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Saturday 20-July Isaiah 2; Ps 89:1-26 Ephesians 2 Isaiah 2: How will the mountain of the Lord’s house established? What are the rocks and caves that people will hide in? Ephesians 2: When were we made alive in Christ?  Why were we made alive in Christ? In verse 14 “has made us both one” who is ‘us’? Journal Prompt: Reread Ephesians 2 out…

Friday, July 19, 2019

Friday 19-July Isaiah 1; Job 31; Ephesians 1 Isaiah 1: What does the Lord’s soul hate?  What does the Lord desire and what will be the resulting blessing? Ephesians 1: Ephesians 1: What have we ‘obtained’ in Christ? What were we sealed with when we heard the gospel and believed in Him? Journal Prompt:  Isaiah 1 reminds us that bringing our offerings…