Wednesday | 20-March | Deut 21-22; Eccl 2:1-17; Luke 21 |
Ecclesiastes 2:1-17: What was Solomon attempting to do? What were his great works? What was the result?

Luke 21: What opportunity does persecution provide? (v. 13) What does Jesus say about signs of the end times?
Journal Prompt: Consider the reading from Ecclesiastes, what have you acquired or accomplished expecting to find happiness yet realized, like Solomon, that it was only fleeting?
Ecclesiastes 2:1-17: Solomon was trying to find meaning in seeking pleasure, in work and accomplishments, etc. He built houses, vineyards, gardens, orchards, pools, he acquired livestock, servants, gold, silver and musical instruments.
Though he did believe wisdom was better than folly, he ultimately felt that chasing after these things was useless. (v. 15-17). It seems to me that it’s the ‘chasing after’ of things for your own glory that is the issue here.
Luke 21: Being persecuted can lead to opportunities to witness to others – and the words used to witness will be provided by Jesus, himself. Jesus says we can not look to natural catastrophes and wars as an indication of the end times. He says that when Jerusalem is surrounded, then the desolation is near. Then there will be signs in the sun, moon and stars and distress in the nations