Tuesday | 19-March | Deuteronomy; 19-20; Psalm 34; Luke 20 |
Deuteronomy 19: The cities of refuge were created for whose protection? Who was not eligible to go to a city of refuge?
Deuteronomy 20: Who was exempt from serving in the army?

Luke 20: Who did Jesus say to beware of and why?
Journal Prompt: How do you “taste and see” that the Lord is good? (from Psalm 34)
Deuteronomy 19: The cities of refuge were created to people who unintentionally killed someone. If a man hated another man before he killed him then he was not eligible for the protection afforded by the cities of refuge.
Deuteronomy 20: Those who were exempt from serving in the army: those who had just built a house and hadn’t dedicated it yet; those who had planted a vineyard but not yet received a crop, those who were betrothed but hadn’t consummated the marriage and those who were very fearful.
Luke 20: Jesus said to beware of the scribes because of their hypocrisy.