Monday | 18-Mar | Deut 17-18; Eccl 1:12-18; Luke 19 |
Deuteronomy 17: Who was to decide upon cases of homicide? What specific laws were there for kings? (You’ll want to remember these!)
Deuteronomy 18: How were the Levites (priests) to provide for themselves and their families since they did not receive an inheritance as did all the other tribes? How were the Israelites to recognize true prophets and false prophets?
Ecclesiastes 1:12-18: How does Solomon refer to himself?
Luke 19: What did Jesus command Zacchaeus? Why did Jesus weep over Jerusalem? What did Jesus do in the Temple?

Journal Prompt: Do you ever feel like Zacchaeus – trying to get a glimpse of Jesus from afar? If you do, why?
Deuteronomy 17: Both the Levitical priest and the judge were to decide the cases.
A king could not be a foreigner. He could not acquire many horses, many wives or much wealth. The king was to have a copy of the Law near the throne and he was to read it every day and live according to it.
Deuteronomy 18: The Levites were to receive a portion of the offerings made to the Lord.
The Israelites would know if a prophet had indeed been sent by the Lord if his prophecies came true.
Ecclesiastes 1:12-18: Solomon refers to himself as the ‘Preacher’.
Luke 19: Jesus commanded Zacchaeus to hurry and come down from the tree where he was perched to get a look at Jesus. Jesus told him He would be staying at Zacchaeus’ home. Jesus wept over Jerusalem because they were unaware of the destruction that awaited them.
Jesus drove out those who were selling in the Temple, and then he taught in the Temple every day.