Sunday 17-March Reflect on God as our Peace

We are quickly approaching the end of the Torah – the first five books of the Bible. Deuteronomy may seem a bit repetitive, because it is. Moses is using this last opportunity to remind the Israelites about what God expects of them and how they must behave to remain in God’s good graces. Moses knows that he will not lead them into the Promised Land, and this is a different generation than the one he led out, so he’s taking advantage to re-instruct them.
Enjoy your Sunday and make some time to reflect on the peace that God offers.
Here is our weekly reading schedule:
S 17-Mar-19 Reflect on God as Peace
M 18-Mar-19 Deut 17-18 Eccl 1:12-18 Luke 19
T 19-Mar-19 Deut 19-20 Ps 34 Luke 20
W 20-Mar-19 Deut 21-22 Eccl 2:1-17 Luke 21
TH 21-Mar-19 Deut 23-24 Ps 35 Luke 22
F 22-Mar-19 Deut 25-26 Eccl 2:18-26 Luke 23
SA 23-Mar-19 Deut 27-28 Ps 26 Luke 24