Monday 8-Oct Luke 1:1-4; John 1:1-18; Luke 1:5-80; Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 2:1-40; Matthew 2:1-12; Luke 2:41-52
Today we open our pages to the New Testament. Everything we have read this year up until today has pointed to Jesus Christ, and today the story of our salvation unfolds for us! I don’t know about you, but I am filled with excitement and expectation about what the Holy Spirit will reveal to me. I’m changing up the reading just a bit from the plan. Did you know that the gospels are not all written in Chronological order? Because of that, for this first week, we will be jumping quite a bit between the gospel accounts so you can get each writer’s perspective of the events as they took place. After that, the reading will be concurrent but not quite as chronological.
We begin with the prologues in the books of Mark and John, and then we jump into the story of Jesus’ birth. It may seem like we are skipping portions of scripture, but we will get to them!!!
Luke 1:1-17: What was John’s role to be? Who was the angel? What did the angel tell Mary about the son she would conceive? Why did Mary visit Elizabeth?
John 1:1-13: How is Jesus described?
Matthew 1: What did the angel tell Joseph that Jesus’ role would be?
Luke 2: Where was Joseph and why did Joseph take Mary to Bethlehem? Who did the angels say was born? When they went for the rite of purification in the Temple, what happened? How did Simeon refer to the baby?