Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Posts from 2019 (Page 6)

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Wednesday 9- October Jeremiah 9-10; Ps 119:65-72; Rev 1 Jeremiah 9: For what reason are the people being condemned?  What are men to boast in? Jeremiah 10: What habit of the Gentiles were the Jews seeking? What will perish from the earth? Revelation 1:  Why is John writing this book? Journal Prompt: As we begin the book of the Revelation, write about…

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Tuesday 8- October Jeremiah 7-8; Ps 119:57-64; Jude Jeremiah 7: What is the Lord proposing? Who is He addressing? Jeremiah 8: What does the verse “There is no balm in Gilead” refer to? V. 22. Jude:  What was the purpose of this letter from Jude? Journal Prompt:  From Jude 22-23: “And have mercy on those who doubt; 23 save others by snatching them out of the…

Monday, October 7, 2019

Monday 7-October Jeremiah 5-6; Ps 119:49-56; 3 John Jeremiah 5 & 6: What is Jeremiah prophesying in these chapters?  What should they have done that they didn’t in verse 16 of chapter 6? 3 John: What should we do for those who work to spread the gospel? Journal Prompt: How can we, at times, be like those who God condemns? Answers: Jeremiah…

Today we reflect on God’s patience. Today we reflect on God’s patience. May you find rest and illumination on this Sabbath day. Our Bible readings for the week are below!. Sunday 6-October Reflect on God’s Patience Monday 7-October Jeremiah 5-6; Ps 119:49-56; 3 John Tuesday 8- October Jeremiah 7-8; Ps 119:57-64; Jude Wednesday 9- October Jeremiah 9-10; Ps 119:65-72; Rev 1 Thursday…

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Saturday 5-Oct-19 Jeremiah 3-4; Ps 119:41-48; 2 John Jeremiah 3: To what does God (through Jeremiah) compare Israel? What does God ask of the Israelites? Jeremiah 4: What does Jeremiah warn the people about? 2 John: What seems to be the purpose of this letter? Journal Prompt:  In 2 John, we are warned not to receive certain people into our homes.  Who…

Friday, October 4, 2019

Friday 4-Oct-19 Jer 1-2; Ps 119:33-40; 1 John 5 Jeremiah 1: Under the reigns of which kings did Jeremiah serve as a prophet? Upon receiving his calling from the Lord, was Jeremiah a willing servant? Jeremiah 2: What was the first message he was to give to the Israelites? 1 John 5: What are sins…

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Thursday 3-Oct-19 Isaiah 66; Ps 119:25-32; 1 John 4 Isaiah 66:Who will the Lord look upon with favor? 1 John 4: How are we to test for false prophets?  Why are we to love others? Journal Prompt:  Do you consider yourself humble and ‘contrite in spirit’?  Why or why not? Answers: Isaiah 66: The Lord will look with favor upon those who…

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Wednesday 2-Oct-19 Isaiah 65; Ps 119:17-24; 1 John 3 Isaiah 65: Who are the rebellious people that Isaiah is referring to? And in what way were they rebellious? 1 John 3: How are children of God evident?  How does God abide in us? Journal Prompt: Reread 1 John 3:22. How does this speak to you? …

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Tuesday 1-Oct-19 Isaiah 64; Ps 119:9-16; 1 John 2 Isaiah 64: Who does God help?  Why was Israel’s righteousness like filthy rags? 1 John 2: What is “the anointing that you received from him abides in you”?  How can we recognize the antichrist?  Journal Prompt:  1 John 1 tells us that we cannot love the world. Why not? What in the world…

Monday, September 30, 2019

Monday 30-Sep-19 Isaiah 63; Ps 119:1-8; 1 John 1 Isaiah 63: Why does God love Israel? 1 John 1: What happens when we confess our sins? Journal Prompt:  How can we walk in darkness yet claim to have fellowship with God? (from 1 John 1:6). What do we need to do according to verse 9?  Answers: Isaiah 63:  1) According to His…