Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Posts from 2019 (Page 30)

Friday, January 26, 2019

Friday 25-Jan-19 Exodus 15-16 Prov 11 Matt 22 Exodus 15: What did the people of Israel complain about in the wilderness of Shur? b. What happened when Moses threw a tree into the waters? Exodus 16: How long had it been since Israel had left Egypt and until they were in the Wilderness of Sin? What were the children of Israel complaining…

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Thursday 24-Jan-19 Exodus 13-14; Psalm 11; Matthew 21 Exodus 13: what is forbidden for the Hebrews to consume during the passover remembrance?  Why did they not follow a more direct route toward the promised land? What did Moses bring along on the journey and how was God present with them? Exodus 14: What did the people say to Moses when they saw…

Wednesday, January 23

Weds 23-Jan-19 Exodus 11-12 Proverbs 10 Matthew 20 Today we a very short chapter in the book of Exodus, followed by a very long one! Exodus 11: What plague did Moses announce? What did the Lord tell Moses to ask the Egyptians for? Exodus 12: What did God tell the Hebrews to change (remake)? What instructions did the Lord tell Moses to…

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Tuesday 22-January-19 Exodus 9-10 Palm 10; Matthew 19 Exodus 9: What were the fifth, sixth and seventh plagues and what was the result of each? Exodus 10: Who else asked Pharaoh to give in to Moses? Matthew 19: Why did Moses allow divorce? What did Jesus know about the rich, young ruler? Journal Prompt: What do you have a hard time giving…

Monday, January 21, 2019

M 21-Jan-19 Ex 7-8 Prov 9 Matt 18 Exodus 7: How old were Moses and Aaron when they spoke to Pharaoh? What was the first plague? What was the result? Exodus 8: What were the second, third and fourth plagues? Proverbs 9: What will be added to you if you have wisdom? Matthew 18: What do you read about children and their…

Sunday, January 20, 2019

S 20-Jan-19 Reflect on God as Almighty M 21-Jan-19 Ex 7-8 Prov 9 Matt 18 T 22-Jan-19 Ex 9-10 Ps 10 Matt 19 W 23-Jan-19 Ex 11-12 Prov 10 Matt 20 TH 24-Jan-19 Ex 13-14 Ps 11 Matt 21 F 25-Jan-19 Ex 15-16 Prov 11 Matt 22 SA 26-Jan-19 Ex 17-18 Ps 12 Matt 23 Here is the schedule for the week…

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Saturday, January 19  Exodus 5-6; Psalm 9; Matthew 17 Exodus 5: What was the result of Moses’ first meeting with Pharaoh? Exodus 6: What happened when Moses spoke with God about his first go-round with Pharaoh? What was his concern? Matthew 17: What question did Peter ask and what was Jesus’ answer? What miracles occurred in this chapter? Journal prompt:  The transfiguration…

Friday, June 18, 2019

Friday, June 18 Exodus 3-4; Proverbs 8; Matthew 16 Exodus 3: List some reasons why Moses would have been apprehensive about returning to speak with Pharaoh? What help did the Lord tell him to expect? Exodus 4:  What did Moses complain about to God? How did God respond to Moses’ complaints?  Why did God want to kill Moses?  Who was Zipporah? Proverbs…

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Thursday January 17 Exodus 1-2; Psalm 8; Matthew 15 Exodus 1: How did the Hebrews living in Egypt go from being so fruitful to slavery? What did the Pharaoh finally decide to do to reduce the population of the Hebrews? Exodus 2: Why did Moses flee to the land of the Midianites and how did he protect Reuel’s (Jethro’s) daughters?’ Matthew 15:…

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Wednesday January 16 Genesis 48-50; Proverbs 7; Matthew 14 Genesis 48: What is surprising about the blessing of Joseph’s sons? Which of Joseph’s sons received the larger blessing from Jacob? Genesis 49: What sins did Reuben, Simeon and Levi commit? Genesis 50: Describe Jacob’s funeral.  Where was he buried and with which wife?  What was the concern of Joseph’s brothers after their…

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