Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Posts from May 2019 (Page 3)

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Saturday 11-May-19 2 Sam 15-16; Ps 61; Acts 21 2 Samuel 15: How did Absalom get himself in a place of power? Why do you think David gave up without a fight? 2 Samuel 16: What did Ziba do? Were his actions genuine? What advice did Ahithophel give Abalom? Acts 21: What advice that seemed to come from the Holy Spirit, did…

Friday, May 10, 2019

Friday 10-May 2 Sam 13-14; Job 1; Acts 20 2 Samuel 13:Who sent Tamar to wait on Amnon? Why do you think Absolam fled to Geshur? 2 Samuel 14:Why did Absolam burn Joab’s field? Acts 20: What happpened to Eutychus while Paul was teaching?  Where were they? Job 1: What is Satan’s challenge to God? Journal Prompt: How have you experienced the…

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Wednesday 8-May 2 Samuel 9-10; Eccl 12:9-13; Acts 18 2 Samuel 9: How does David further honor Jonathon and Saul’s lineage? 2 Samuel 10:  Why did the Israelites attack the Ammonites? Acts 18:  Where were Priscilla and Aquila from?  Who surprisingly converted to Christianity?  What happened to Aquila and Priscilla? Journal Prompt: Reflect upon the final words of Solomon in Ecclesiastes in…

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Tuesday 7-May 2 Samuel 7-8; Ps 59; Acts 17 2 Samuel 7:  What did David inquire of the Lord via Samuel? How did the Lord respond? 2 Samuel 8: Against whom was David victorious? Acts 17: Where did Paul, Silas and Timothy travel? How did Paul reason with the Greeks in Athens . . . what common ground did he use to…

Monday, May 6, 2019

Monday 6-May 2 Sam 5-6; Eccl 12:1-8; Acts 16 2 Samuel 5 & 6: Why did David become king over all of Israel?  How did he capture the fortress in Jerusalem?  What did David and his men carry off from the Philistines?  What happened to the ark? Why? Acts 16:  Who joined Paul and Silas? What did they do when they visited…

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Sunday 5-May-19 Reflect on God as Sovereign Take time today to rest. Jesus doesn’t just offer rest. He shows us how to do it. It is necessity, not a luxury. An act of worship, not a sign of laziness.  In His earthly life, Jesus displayed many facets of rest. Spiritual rest. Physical rest. Mental rest.  We need to follow His lead! Take…

Friday, May 3, 2019

Friday 3-May-19 2 Sam 1-2; Eccl 11:6-10; Acts 14 2 Samuel 1:  Why did David kill the Amalekite servant? 2 Samuel 2: David is annointed king of ?  Who was Ishbosheth?  Who was Abner and who was Joab? Acts 14: What cities did Paul and Barnabas visit? Why did Paul and Barnabas tear their clothes in Lystra? Journal Prompt: How do you…

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Thursday 2-May-19 1 Sam 28-29; Ps 53; Acts 13 1 Samuel 28: Why did David leave his role as mercenary for the Philistines? 1 Samuel 29: What happened in Ziklag? What statute did David make (v. 25)? What did David do with the plunder? Acts 13:  What was happening when the Holy Spirit spoke to Saul, Barnabas and others?  What did the…

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Wednesday 1-May 1 Sam 25-27; Eccl 11:1-5; Acts 12 1 Samuel 25: Who told Abigail about what transpired between David and her husband? What argument did Abigail use to persuade David not to attack her household? 1 Samuel 26: Who was Abner and what did David criticize Abner for? 1 Samuel 27: Why did David flee and who did he go to…