Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Posts from July 2019 (Page 2)

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Sunday 21-July Reflect on God as High Priest Monday 22-July Isaiah 3; Job 32; Ephesians 3 Tuesday 23-July Isaiah 4; Ps 89:27-52; Ephesians 4 Wednesday 24-July Isaiah 5; Job 33; Ephesians 5 Thursday 25-July Isaiah 6; Ps 90; Ephesians 6 Friday 26-July Isaiah 7; Job 34; Philippians 1 Saturday 27-Jul-y Isaiah 8; Ps 91; Philippians 2 Since then we have a great…

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Saturday 20-July Isaiah 2; Ps 89:1-26 Ephesians 2 Isaiah 2: How will the mountain of the Lord’s house established? What are the rocks and caves that people will hide in? Ephesians 2: When were we made alive in Christ?  Why were we made alive in Christ? In verse 14 “has made us both one” who is ‘us’? Journal Prompt: Reread Ephesians 2 out…

Friday, July 19, 2019

Friday 19-July Isaiah 1; Job 31; Ephesians 1 Isaiah 1: What does the Lord’s soul hate?  What does the Lord desire and what will be the resulting blessing? Ephesians 1: Ephesians 1: What have we ‘obtained’ in Christ? What were we sealed with when we heard the gospel and believed in Him? Journal Prompt:  Isaiah 1 reminds us that bringing our offerings…

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Thursday 18-July Esther 9-10; Ps 88; Galatians 6 Esther 9: What was Esther’s next request? How many people did the Jewish people kill? Esther 10: What was Mordecai’s position? Galatians 6: How do you fulfill the law of Christ? Journal Prompt:  Who in your circle is bearing a burden?  How can you help them bear their burden? Answers: Esther 9: She then…

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Wednesday 17-July Esther 7-8; Job 30; Galatians 5 Esther 7: What did Esther ask the king for? Esther 8:  What did the king do? What was the response of the people? Galatians 5:What is the issue that Paul is bringing up? What does Paul hope will happen to those who are trying to lead the believers astray? Journal Prompt: What does Paul…

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Tuesday 16-July Esther 5-6; Ps 87; Galatians 4 Esther 5: What did Esther ask the king? Esther 6:  Who was honored and why? Galatians 4: What metaphors does Paul use to explain the difference between the Law and the Spirit? Journal Prompt:  Do you find yourself living by the “law” at times in an effort to please God?  Answers: Esther 5:  Esther…

Monday, July 15, 2019

Monday 15-July Esther 3-4; Job 29; Galatians 3 Esther 3: What made Haman so mad and what was his plot? Esther 4: What was Esther’s plan after deciding to go in and see the King on behalf of the Jews? Galatians 3: How did the Old Testament predict that the Gentiles would be justified? What was the purpose of the Law? Journal…

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sunday 14-July Reflect on God as Victor Today we rest, we meditate on God’s Word and we rejoice that Jesus died for our sins and won the victory over death!! Below is our reading schedule for the week. Sunday 14-July Reflect on God as Victor Monday   15-July Esther 3-4; Job 29; Galatians 3 Tuesday 16-July Esther 5-6; Ps 87; Galatians 4…

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Thursday 11-July Nehemiah 8-10; Psalm 85; 2 Corinthians13 Nehemiah 8: What happened on the day after the book of the Law was read publicly? Nehemiah 9:  How long did the people read the book of the Law? Nehemiah 10: Why were these names on the seals? What did the people agree to? 2 Corinthians 13: What will Paul do when he goes…

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Wednesday 10-July Nehemiah 6-7; Job 27; 2 Corinthians 12 Nehemiah 6:  What tactics did Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem resort to?  When the wall was completed, why were the people of the surrounding nations afraid? Nehemiah 7:  What did Nehemiah do that God put in his heart? 2 Corinthians 12: What experience did Paul have and what was the result of that? Journal Prompt:…