Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Posts from June 2019

Sunday, June 30

Sunday 30-June Reflect on God as Everlasting Monday 1-July 2 Chron 22-24; Job 23; 2 Cor 4 Tuesday 2-July Ezra 1-2; Ps 81; 2 Cor 5 Wednesday 3-July Ezra 3-4; Job 24; 2 Cor 6 Thursday 4-July Ezra 5-6; Ps 82; 2 Cor 7 Friday 5-July Ezra 7-8; Job 25; 2 Cor 8 Saturday 6-July Ezra 9-10; Ps 83; 2 Cor 9…

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Saturday 29-June 2 Chronicles 19-21; Ps 80; 2 Corinthians 3 2 Chronicles 19: How did Jehoshaphat behave after Ahab’s death? 2 Chronicles 20: When Jehoshaphat learned of the imminent attack of the enemy, what did he do?  What happened after that? 2 Corinthians 21: Who was Jehoshaphat’s eldest son and who was the son’s wife?  What did he do that angered the…

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Thursday 27-June 2 Chron 13-15; Ps 79; 2 Cor 1 2 Chronicles 13: Why did Abijah criticize Jeroboam?  What happened at the battle between Jeroboam and Abijah? 2 Chronicles 14: How did Asa show his obedience to God? 2 Chronicles 15:  What motivated Asa to seek the Lord? What did Asa do to honor God? 2 Corinthians 1: what does comfort produce…

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Wednesday 26-June 2 Chron 10-12; Job 21; 1 Cor 16 2 Chronicles 10: Why was Israel in rebellion to the house of David? 2 Chronicles 11: What did the Levites (the priests and caretakers of the sacrificial system and the temple) do when the kingdom was divided any why? 2 Chronicles 12: What messages did Jeroboam receive from the Lord 1 Corinthians…

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Tuesday 25-June 2 Chron 7-9; Ps 78:49-72; 1 Cor 15 2 Chronicles 7:  What was the response of the people gathering at the Temple dedication when fire poured down from heaven? How long did the Temple dedication last? 2 Chronicles 8:  Who did Solomon use for forced labor? 2 Chronicles 9:  Who visited Solomon and why?  What do you notice was left…

Monday, June 24, 2019

Monday 24-June 2 Chron 4-6; Job 20; 1 Cor 14 2 Chronicles 4: For what purpose were the basins and the sea?  What supported the ‘sea’? 2 Chronicles 5: What happened after they dedicated the Temple and praised God? 2 Chronicles 6: In verses 22-39, what is Solomon assuming will happen? 1 Corinthians 14:  What do you learn in this chapter about…

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Sunday 23-June Reflect on God as Protector Monday 24-June 2 Chron 4-6; Job 20; 1 Cor 14 Tuesday 25-June 2 Chron 7-9; Ps 78:49-72; 1 Cor 15 Wednesday 26-June 2 Chron 10-12; Job 21; 1 Cor 16 Thursday 27-June 2 Chron 13-15; Ps 79; 2 Cor 1 Friday 28-June 2 Chron 16-18; Job 22; 2 Cor 2 Saturday 29-June 2 Chron 19-21;…

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Saturday 22-June 2 Chronicles 1-3; Ps 78:24-48; 1 Corinthians 13 2 Chronicles 1: Who did Solomon call together and where did he lead them?  What did Solomon ask the Lord? 2 Chronicles 2: What did Solomon ask Hiram the king of Tyre?  Who did Solomon use for the construction of the Temple? 2 Chronicles 3: How large were the wings of the…

Friday, June 21, 2019

Friday 21-June 1 Chronicles 28-29; Job 19; 1 Corinthians 12 1 Chronicles 28 & 29:  How was the treasury enriched during this time of final preparation before building the Temple?  1 Corinthians  12: Who receives the manifestations of the Spirit and for what purpose?  How does this chapter end? Journal Prompts: From 1 Chronicles 28-29: Note the promises God made and the…

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Thursday 20-June 1 Chron 25-27; Ps 78:1-24; 1 Cor 11 1 Chron 25: What was used when the prophets prophesied? 1 Chron 26: What was used to maintain the house of the Lord? 1 Chron 27: How many men were in the military? 1 Cor 11: How should we conduct ourselves at the Lord’s Supper? Why does God chasten us? Journal Prompt:…