Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Posts from February 2019 (Page 3)

Friday, February 8, 2019

Friday 8-Feb-19 Ex 39-40; Prov 17; Mark 2 Exodus 39: What did the four rows of three stones on the ephod represent? Exodus 40: Who set up the Tabernacle and its furnishings? How did the Israelite community decide when to move on their journey? Proverbs 17: What will one suffer who is glad about calamity? What is an abomination to the Lord?…

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Thursday 7-Feb-19 Exodus 37-38; Ps 17; Mark 1 Exodus 37 & 38:  Who was responsible for making the majority of the Tabernacle and the furnishings?  How many men were a part of the congregation? (v.38:26)  Mark 1: What kind of baptism did John proclaim?  What else did he proclaim?  When and where did Jesus begin His ministry? What was Jesus’ first miracle…

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Wednesday 6-Feb-19 Ex 35-36; Prov 16; Matt 28 Exodus 35: Who contributed the materials needed to prepare the tabernacle and its furnishings. Exodus 36: How generous were those who contributed? (see verse 5-6) Proverbs 16: What is better than gold and silver? Matthew 28:  Describe the angel that appeared at tomb and the reaction of the guards. What were Jesus’ final instructions…

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Tuesday 5-Feb-19 Exodus 33-34; Psalm 16; Matthew 27 Exodus 33: Who was Moses’ assistant?What did Moses ask God to do? Exodus 34: What did God tell Moses to tell the people not to do? Matthew 27: What happened to Judas and why? What message did Pilate’s wife send to her husband? What happened at the sixth hour? What happened when Jesus gave…

Monday, February 4, 2019

Monday 4-Feb-19 Ex 31-32; Prov 15; Matt 26 Please note that you can now access the Bible verses on by clicking on the verses above! Exodus 31: What did God command to have made and by whom?  What special skills did they have and how did they receive their abilities?   How sacred was the Sabbath? What did Moses receive when he…

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Sunday, Feb 3 Reflect on God as Lord of All Use this Sabbath day to rest in the Lord and to reflect on His love for you. Below is our reading schedule for the week. May the Lord bless you and keep you! Sunday 3-Feb-19 Reflect on God as Lord of All Monday 4-Feb-19 Ex 31-32; Prov 15; Matt 26 Tuesday 5-Feb-19…

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Saturday, February 2 Exodus 29-30; Psalm 15; Matthew 25 Exodus 29: In verse 21 what actions are necessary for Aaron and his sons to serve the Lord as priests? Exodus 30: What were the incense and the anointing oil made of and what stipulation did the Lord make about them? Matthew 25: What does God expect us to do for others? Journal…

Friday, February 1, 2019

Friday 1-Feb-2019 Exodus 27-28; Proverbs 14; Matthew 24 Exodus 27: What are the poles for? Who was to keep the lamp burning? Exodus 28: What garments were to be made for the priests?What was the ephod used for? Proverbs 14: On whom should we have mercy? What do we have in the Lord? Matthew 24: What are some of the signs of…