Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

2 Kings 1-4

2 Kings 1-4
In chapter 3, how did Israel win the battle against Moab?
What parallels do you see between God’s provision in terms of the ditches and God’s provision in terms of the woman collecting jars for the oil in chapter 4?

This seems to be a series of small steps – and trusting God and following his commands regardless of being able to see the big picture.  The ditches were necessary for collecting water as well as for tricking the enemy into thinking they were blood.  Collecting the oil in the jars must have seemed a bit unusual for the woman, yet she obeyed and was blessed.

How about you?  Do you miss out on God’s step-by-step leading because you are waiting for Him to reveal the end result, the big picture?  Or do you, like the Israelites in chapter 3 and the woman in chapter 4, open to His direction regardless of the outcome – all the while trusting that He is indeed control and His will is perfect?


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