Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

1 Kings 12-14

Divided Kingdom1 Kings 12-14
Rehoboam and Jeroboam (I often struggle with these names, yet it’s very important to get them straight, so pay very close attention to the reading today.) In the chapters today, we see Solomon’s quest for everything under the sun results in a divided kingdom and widespread idolatry.
Why do you think Jeroboam chose calves as a symbol of God?
What sins did Jeroboam and Rehoboam commit and what was the result.
I find it helpful to make notes in my journal about ‘who is who’ when it comes to reading about the divided kingdoms. It can get very confusing as we go back and forth between the kingdoms of Judah and Israel. This graphic may help you as you read!


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